
Family Business Minnesota

Real - Simple - Results


Family Business Minnesota

Real - Simple - Results


Unique needs

If you're a family who is ready to get real about building your legacy, is open and honest with each other and wants to have a clear vision, gain traction toward your vision and be a healthy team, you're in the right place.

Family Business Minnesota offers EOS implementation and a one-of-a kind method for ownership succession planning. 






Family Business Minnesota is the project of Sara B. Stern. As the former director of the Family Business Center at the University of St. Thomas and a trained coach and EOS Implementer™ she has a unique ability to help family businesses. She works exclusively with a limited number of family business leaders who want to maximize the impact they have on their companies, families and communities. She is also the founder of The Sage Pages an online experience for family business owners who want to go from feeling overwhelmed to having a plan to thrive for generations.


Sara is fan of time with family, being silly, making the most out of life and genuinely getting a kick out of the ridiculous. The worst moment in her work life was making french fries so badly at McDonald's that someone drove 20 miles out of their way to return them. The best moments in her career are watching families get what they want from their businesses.

Call or email today. Let's talk about the future of your family business.

(612) 220-6559

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working with sara

I work with a limited number of teams who are ready to get clear on their vision, gain traction toward their vision and be a healthy team. This means I often have a wait list. Please reach out to me. If I can’t help you, I’ll connect you to someone who can.

Learn more here.

(612) 220-6559


resources for your family business.

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